
When Kin and I chose the name “Tech Gypsies” for our business, it was a gesture towards the life we found ourselves living: one on the road. We travel a lot “for business,” and it’s important to us that even this business travel still functions (sometimes, hopefully) “for pleasure.”

Since we started the company, we've traveled a lot; and then we became sorta stationary.

This summer, we’ve found ourselves once again traveling almost non-stop, this time for different reasons, with different missions, for different ends.

In May, Kin and Isaiah started Drone Recovery, traveling around the Pacific Northwest in an attempt to kick the latter’s opiate addiction.

A few weeks earlier, Kin and I had started a podcast, prompting me to give this website a refresh. But I haven’t blogged here since.

Now we are in the middle of another lengthy outing, one that makes me hum Simon & Garfunkel and "all gone to look for america."

While we're searching, I want to do a better job highlighting here on this site the photos we take, the sites we see, the food we eat, the joys and the struggles we face while living and working on the road. Much of this falls under our work to “reclaim” our data from websites we don’t own (such as Yelp or Flickr or Facebook).



Story Untelling

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